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Below, the lateral supracondylar?

The muscle inserts via an aponeurosis on the superior half of the medial lip of linea aspera. ?

These two aforementioned lines are continuous with each other; the pectineal line continues inferiorly from the intertrochanteric line and ends by fusing with the spiral line of femur, thus forming the medial lip of linea. The linea aspera is a prominent longitudinal ridge or crest, on the middle third of the bone, presenting a medial and a lateral lip, and a narrow rough, intermediate line. Jan 31, 2024 · The rough bone ridges on the posterior aspect of the femoral shaft are referred to as “linea aspera” (rough line in Latin). The femur is located between the pelvis (hip bone) and the knee. This allows these two muscles to work in unison to stabilize the femur and pelvis. which fenway park tour is best Learn about the linea aspera, a rough bony ridge on the posterior border of the femur's body, and its attachments to various muscles. May 3, 2022 · Tiene un diámetro promedio de, aproximadamente, tres cuartas partes de la cabeza femoral; 3) Trocánteres mayor y menor. The medial lip of linea aspera serves as the attachment site for the vastus medialis muscle, which continues upwards along the spiral line and the lower section of the intertrochanteric line on the front surface. The linea aspera is a prominent longitudinal ridge or crest, on the middle third of the bone, presenting a medial and a lateral lip, and a narrow rough, intermediate line. the living legacy big meechs parents alive their impact Purpose The linea aspera can be used as a landmark to assess the rotation of the distal femoral epiphysis when performing an endoprostheses. Tróclea femoral o superficie rotuliana: articula con la parte posterior de la rótula, formando la articulación femororrotuliana o femoropatelar, del tipo diartrosis troclear Cóndilos femorales (interno y externo): prolongación trasera de la tróclea femoral. 1) is the line that is tangent to both posterior condyles on the axial image where they are most prominent. ” It allows for the attachment of various muscles: vastus medialis, vastus lateralis. entire crossword clue 5 letters Insertion of gracilis. ….

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